
Here you have the description of all the courses offered at the center as part of the Wisdom School of Spiritual Transformation©TM Program. Dates are subject to change. If you would be interested in a course and the dates do not work for you please use the contact page and let us know, we can put on an extra class. Also I do travel to other areas if I have enough students, inquire for details.

Basic entry level classes

Akashic Records - Forgiveness Workshop

Part of the Wisdom School of Spiritual Transformation©TM Program

December 21 and 22nd 2024, in Drumheller

February 8th and 9th 2025, in Québec

April 26th and 27th 2025, in Drumheller

November 15th and 16th 2025, in Drumheller

Akashic records are your individual book of records for all your thoughts, actions and feelings for all your life times.

You can heal across time, space and re-write past lives to remove the trauma and focus on the lesson learned and remove the fear that is holding you back. During the workshop you learn to heal your past through the 5 bodies so 5 methods are taught to access and heal your Akashic Record.

We will learn:

  • The origin of the Akashic records.
  • The Soul Principles/Precepts
  • The nature of evolution
  • The importance for students to integrate these methods into their life on a daily basis.
  • I demonstrate a forgiveness process
  • Students practice the full self-healing session in class.

Course Tuition & Fees This course is 2 days from 9 to 5 pm $350 + Taxes per person

Chakras and Earth Energy

Part of the Wisdom School of Spiritual Transformation©TM Program

March 21st, 22nd and 23rd 2025 in Drumheller

October 11,12,13 2025 in Québec bilingual

This is a 3 day course We learn what is the energy, where it comes from, and what we can do with it. We learn to smudge. I also work with Mother Earth energy. You learn how to clear your dwelling, Aura, Chakras. I explore several methods from Meditation, Smudging, Prayer, Sounds, Exercise such as deep breathing and last but not least Elemental Beings. We learn how to re-align the chakras and renew our Chakra contract.

Join us for an amazing healing of your central energetic channel and your chakras. A week-end of healing and renewal. We learn how to re-align the chakras and renew our Chakra contract.

  • You will learn:
  • all about the chakras
  • Realign your chakras and empower them
  • meditation with Alchemy crystal bowls
  • To discover yours teachers and original contract
  • Release blockages and stay connected to the earth
  • realign your chakras and energize them
  • The planet chakras
  • Elementals and other beings from other dimensions and how to work with them
  • You willl receive a free copy of the new book: 13th chakra system of Ancient Egypt.

Course Tuition & Fees This course is 3 Days from 9 to 5 pm $450 + Taxes per person

Angel Tarot Reading

Part of the Wisdom School of Spiritual Transformation©TM Program

January 25 and 26th 2025

October 18th and 19th 2025 in Québec bilingual

Learn how to read Angel Tarot. We go through the major Arcana and the four suits. We learn what each card and suit relate to and practice reading. This is an advance class, we are serious about learning to read and provide messages.

Course Tuition & Fees: 2 days from 9 to 5 pm $350 + Taxes

Not included in price : Angel Tarot Deck and The Big Book of Angel Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine.

On-line level 1 Class: Basic spirituality and Energy

Part of the Wisdom School of Spiritual Transformation©TM Program

September 2025

The online class comes with a workbook and some reading along with exercises which are then discussed with the online group

The online session allows us to dig deeper into what we found on the preparation work. The exercise help you understand the basic of Spirituality

  • You will learn:
  • to review your life history
  • Identify patterns
  • learn about synchronicity and there's no coincidences.
  • learn to be in the moment
  • learn how being grateful helps you manifest what you need in life.
  • learn how to self care.
  • learn how extablish plans to better your life.

Course Tuition & Fees: 12 sessions of 2.5 hours for $350 + Taxes

Self Study level 1 Course: Breaking the barriere of old beliefs

Part of the Wisdom School of Spiritual Transformation©TM Program

Coming Soon

The self-study course is a workbook that teaches and guides you through exercises which are designed to help you identify your fears, and stagnation issues and develop tools to overcome your self limitations and turn into empowerment.

The self-study course is supported with You Tube Videos.

Course Tuition & Fees: Manual $ 45 + Taxes

Adept Integration level classes


Part of the Wisdom School of Spiritual Transformation©TM Program

October 25th and 26th 2025, in Drumheller

Children over 10 years old are welcome to attend.

You want to learn how to be a Medium and hear messages to help yourself and others. You learn about protection, how to understand how spirits communicate and you get to practice with fellow students. We also learn to talk to animals and how to clear a house.

You want to learn how to communicate with spirits and release them if they are stuck. You get more practice with readings and understanding your role as a light worker.

In the advance level, see below

Course Tuition & Fees 2 days from 9 to 5 pm $350.00 + Taxes

Meditation basics

Part of the Wisdom School of Spiritual Transformation©TM Program

Please call to schedule this class in 2025

By request only, this 5-lesson series is based on different types of meditation (Chakra, Visualization, Manifestation, Journey, and Relaxation.

This is a one on one series that really helps you develop your meditative skills tailored just for you!

Each session is 2 hours. usually runs from from 6:30pm to 8:30 pm

Lesson Series: $450.00 + Taxes

Advance Akashic Records

Part of the Wisdom School of Spiritual Transformation©TM Program

on demand

Pre-requisite: Basic Akashic Records

Akashic records are linked to your soul connection, we learn to bring down information to the earth level.

You get to understand th e meaning of colour, energy or feeling you receive. We learn to integrate it all within a healing session.

Course Tuition & Fees This course is 2 days from 9 to 5 pm $500 + Taxes per person

On-line level 2 CLass: Self-Introspection and empowerment

Part of the Wisdom School of Spiritual Transformation©TM Program

January 2026

Pre-requisite Online Level 1

The online class comes with a workbook and some reading along with exercises which are then discussed with the online group

The online session allows us to dig deeper into what we found on the preparation work. The exercise help you understand the advance properties of Spirituality

We learn more about:

  • soul birth vision
  • connection with your choice of parents
  • what is your soul group
  • understand what hell and purgatory are really all about.
  • Meet with the ancestors and understand what we generationally carry with us
  • understand the importance of intuition and dreams

Course Tuition & Fees: 12 sessions of 2.5 hours for $350 + Taxes

Self Study level 2 CLass: Overcoming self-limitations

Part of the Wisdom School of Spiritual Transformation©TM Program

Coming Soon

Pre-requisite self-study Level 1

The self-study course is a workbook that teaches and guides you through exercises which are designed to help you identify your goals, and transform the spiritual blocks into tools to thrive, be happy and find purpose.

The self-study course is supported with You Tube Videos.

Course Tuition & Fees: Manual $ 45 + Taxes

Master Facilitation level classes

Mediumship Advance level

Part of the Wisdom School of Spiritual Transformation©TM Program

call for a date

Pre-requisite Mediumship

You can now learn how to be use your Mediumship skills to help others while they are in your presence but they are incapacitated or in a coma. You get more practice with readings and understanding your role as a light worker. how to help the dying to pass into the light without trauma and clearing Karma. In the advance level, we work on releasing spirit attached to a person. how to help the dying to pass into the light without trauma and clearing Karma.

Course Tuition & Fees 2 days from 9 to 5 pm $500.00 + Taxes

Shamanic healing Advance level

Part of the Wisdom School of Spiritual Transformation©TM Program

call for a date

Pre-requisite Shamanic Training

You can now learn how to use the akashic records paired with Shamanic energy healing to retrace the present life wounds and provide healing, closure to yourself or a client.

You get to understand how the present life old trauma have wounded you and how to repair the breach in the soul.

In the advance level, we work on understaing the strings that Trauma cause and stop patterns, and create a new mode of operating instead of relying on old defense mecanism.

Course Tuition & Fees 2 days from 9 to 5 pm $500.00 + Taxes

Light Language

on demand

This is a 2 day course

Pre-requisite: Mediumship, Reiki level 2, Akashique Record

  • To work with sounds, vibrations and emotions
  • You get a demonstration on how to make a communication
  • You get explanations and practice on how to interpret a message of light
  • You learn about crystals and how to incorporate them into a session, a soul journey, totem animals.
  • Use your ability to receive messages and translate messages from other dimensions
  • How to use the language of light in a healing session
  • How to develop your voice as a healing tool

Course fee for 2 days from 9:00 to 17:00: $500 + Taxes per person

On-line level 3 CLass: living your Soul's Purpose

Part of the Wisdom School of Spiritual Transformation©TM Program

January 2026

Pre-requisite Online Level 2

The online class comes with a workbook and some reading along with exercises which are then discussed with the online group. The online session allows us to dig deeper into what we found on the preparation work. The exercise help you understand the advance properties of your soul's purpose and the application into every day living.

We learn more about:

  • soul purpose
  • importance of thoughts in manifestation
  • the link between the 3rd diemsion and other dimension
  • finding unity and expanding our growth into our family and community
  • understand the importance of your presence on earth at this time.
  • Prepare to host a group for a divine purpose.

Course Tuition & Fees: 12 sessions of 2.5 hours for $350 + Taxes

Self Study level 3 CLass: Divine Purpose

Part of the Wisdom School of Spiritual Transformation©TM Program

Coming Soon

Pre-requisite self-study Level 2

The self-study course is a workbook that teaches and guides you through exercises which are designed to help you identify your divine nature, and transform your work into a divinely inspired work.

The self-study course is supported with You Tube Videos.

Course Tuition & Fees: Manual $ 45 + Taxes