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Send A Donation- Episode 1: 12 laws of Karma
- Episode 2: 12 Laws of the Universe
- Episode 3: Atlantis and Lemuria
- Episode 4: The Trinity or the creation Myth
- Episode 5: Numerology
- Episode 6: Light Language
- Epiosde 7: Sacred Geometry
- Epiosde 8: Chakra of the earth
- Episode 9: The Soul twin, the soul mate and the soul flame
- Epiosde 10: The Human Hybrid evolution
- Episode 11: The new children
- Episode 1: Fear causes your greatest wounds
- Episode 2: Healing Naturally
- Episode 3: Crystals and all you want to know about them
- Episode 4: Healthy Nutrition and Spirituality
- Epiosde 5: Aromatherapy, the essentials
- Episode 6: The Psych-K Talk
- Episode 1: Edgar Cayce, the sleeping prophet
- Episode 2: Kryon and Lee Caroll
- Episode 3:James Redfield: The Celestine Prophecy Part 1 and Part 2
- Episode 4: The 7 hawaiian Spiritual Principles of Huna
- Episode 5: Dragons, their history and wisdom
- Episode 6 : Narcissicm
- Episode 1: The Middle Way
- Episode 2: Crystal Bowl Meditaiton : New Years Eve 2021
- Episode 3: Mantra Chakra Clearing
- Episode 4: Chakra Meditation in Mount Shasta
- Episode 5: 3 door meditation
- Episode 6: Moving Meditation
- Epiosde 7: Breathing technique for meditation
- Episode 8: 5 Principle of reiki
- Episode 9: Advance 5 reiki principle
- Episode 10: Walking meditation
- Episode 11: Drumming meditation
Season 1: Basic Spiritual Principles
Season 2: Healing Naturally
Season 3: Channels and Authors
Season 4: Meditation Essentials
- Episode 1: The Mesoamerica Mystery School
- Episode 2: The Egyptian Mystery School
- Epiosde 3: The Essennes, the Jewish Mystery School
- Episode 4: The Norse Shamanism culture
- Episode 5: The Celts
- Epiosde 6: The Greek Mystery School
- Episode 7: The Christian Mystery School: the Eastern Orthodox Monasteries
- Episode 8: The Native American Shamanism
- Episode 1: Mary Magdelena
- Episode 2: Kwan Yin
- Epiosde 3: White tara
- Episode 4: The Hathors
- Episode 5: Isis, The egyptian Goddess
- Episode 6: Sophia, The gnotisim Goddess
- Episode 7: White Buffalo Calf Woman
- Episode 8: Divine Feminine Principle
- Episode 1: 13 Chakras of Ancient Egypt
- Episode 2: Symbolism and Dreams, Visions and Mediumship
- Episode 3: Totem and Spirit Animals, Shamanism Teaching
- Episode 4: What is Reiki?
- Episode 5 : The spiritual trip to Peru
- Episode 6: The 12 level of Consciousness and the Akashic Records
- Episode 7: The 7 sacred flames
- Episode 8: Druids and their wisdom, tradition and connection to the earth
Season 5: The Shamanism and Mystery School Series
Season 6: The Sacred Feminine Series
Season 7: The course and training we offer.
- Episode 1: Hands, Mudra, Palmistry and Reflexology
- Episode 2: Acupuncture and Acupressure
- Episode 3: Movement Therapy, Dance and Music
- Episode 4: Color therapy and light
- Episode 5: Herbology and Bach Flower remedies®
- Epiosde 6: Adjustment and Manipulation
- Episode 7: Water Therapy
- Episode 8: Holistic Medicine
- Epiosde 6: Adjustment and Manipulation